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A blog by Lat Thiep

Junk Entertainment: Balancing Productivity and Enjoyment

Reflecting on the role of junk entertainment in maintaining personal balance during college.

Junk Entertainment


Today I discuss about junk entertainment!

For the most part, as I’ve maneuvered through college, I’ve had my ups and downs in productivity. Recently, I started to take things more seriously and try to improve my productivity in all areas. This has overall increased my efficiency when it comes to getting stuff done at my job, finishing schoolwork, and managing my time better.

This entry was inspired by an old game I found while cleaning: “Fossil Fighters Frontier”, a game on the 3DS that was released in 2014. It’s crazy to think I was around 10 years old when I played it. It got me thinking about how carefree my life was back then. I am so serious when I say this: I would watch “Top 10 [whatever stupid anime trope I was into at the time]” from YouTube channels like Anime Otaku, find one I liked, and go home to watch it from beginning to end during the night on my Chromebook while playing whatever random game at the same time. That was quite honestly my day-to-day routine for so long while I was in grade school—or I guess I could call it night by night.

Call it lonely, but I enjoyed it. It has probably been the root cause of why I know so much about random obscure animes that typically never get a second season. As I got older, responsibilities grew and school got harder, but school breaks were my bread and butter. They led me to play story games on my PC from beginning to end, logging like 50 hours on a game in three days. Why? Couldn’t tell you, but I was having a blast every second of it.

Thinking about all that made me compare my current lifestyle. Committing that many hours to things like that is practically impossible now. In a time where my career is something I should be honing in on more and more—especially with how “cooked” the CS job market is—my time is far better spent working on projects and gaining a better understanding of concepts. Junk entertainment and guilty pleasures are ESSENTIAL to preserving who you are. In a time where all the big companies do nowadays is try to keep your attention, why not engage in something you enjoy? You don’t always need to be grinding every waking minute of the day.

So many people get tunnel visioned, and to a degree, I believe it’s just as bad as people who spend most of their day doom scrolling on apps like TikTok. Prioritizing balance is key. Find ways to scratch that itch you have and do things you enjoy. I encourage you to think about things that you enjoy because you enjoy them, not because of how people will perceive you. If you’re a fan of things like fan fics or something, sure, I may think you’re a little weird, but why does my opinion matter literally at all? IT DOESN’T.

Anyway, that’s it for rambling for now. Thanks for reading!