Kaiju No. 8 & updates
More of a casual entry, I touch on an Anime I have been watching, a new pickup, and some overall updates
I got caught up with a ton of work so I got behind when it came to updating the page. I ended up finishing Kaiju NO. 8 overall I’d give it a 6.7/10. My rating scale is a bit harsher, but it was a good show with a cool concept. My main gripe though was the pacing felt too fast when it should have been slower and vice versa. A ton of the characters were pretty forgettable as well. I’m sure it gets better as it progresses but it was not good enough for me to feel like the manga was a “MUST READ”. Haven’t decided what to watch next, to be honest, or if I’ll have time anyway. The next watch is probably gonna be bleach or something dumb long.
Spent a ton of time practicing React for this web app I’m working on and It’s a library I just want to be more comfortable in as it’s super popular as per stack overflow.
I also ended up finding a PS Vita for a pretty reasonable price a while ago, while I was out with my girlfriend. Took me days to get around to modifying it, but it has proven to be quite the worthy buy because of its nice battery life. It’s such a nice console to use, and will definitely be one that I will use a ton compared to my other custom firmware devices.